News of May 1999
Haagi's and Mr. Master's new times are now in the recordlist. Mr. Master's total time is under 54!! Haagi got one team record also. Check it out.
Loiin's new times in the recordlist..
Recordlist updated..
Mr: Master's totaltime is now 55:24:31 and he made many new records. One team record also. I got mail from him again and he made one team record: It is Ramp Frenzy with 1:14:39!!
Sorry for unupdating, but I had problems with my internet connection.. Loiin's and MaD GuM's new times are updated. MaD GuM got one team record!! Check it out.
Mr. Master's new totaltime is counted.. It is something like 62!!
Mr. Master's and Haagi's new times in record list.
Nothing new today.. I updated still this news, because my goal is to update it every day.
Mr. Master's new times in the recordlist.. He got one teamrecord also..
Loiin made some new records and got 15 points... Now he has got 149 points..
We have a new member. Check the members page!!
Pyroman lost his state.dat, but he has started to play again. At the same time he made 3 team records!! Mr. Master's and Loiin's new times also in there.
We have new member again. He is Mr. Master. Check out records page and members page for more info. And... another joining in the same day!! Other joiner is Loiin!
News of February 2000 (dunno yet)
News of January 2000 (8 updates)
News of December 1999 (23 updates)
News of November 1999 (32 updates)
News of October 1999 (17 updates)
News of September 1999 (9 updates)
News of August 1999 (19 updates)
News of July 1999 (14 updates)
News of June 1999 (8 updates)
News of May 1999 (13 updates)
News of April 1999 (3 updates)
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